Friday, October 18, 2024
Local NewsLocal News from North & South Tyneside

Council Vision for Happy, Healthy and Fulfilled Communities

South Tyneside Council has revealed its renewed 20-year vision for the whole of the Borough.

Over the next 20 years, working alongside key partners, the council will focus its ambition, energy, and resources on tackling the biggest and most fundamental societal issues facing residents.

The renewed Vision, a result of intensive engagement with thousands of residents, businesses, partners, council employees and elected members over the past six months, puts local people at its heart. The key goal is for South Tyneside to be a place where people live healthy, happy, and fulfilled lives.

The Vision is based on five core ‘Ambitions.’ These are for residents in South Tyneside to be:  financially secure; healthy and well throughout their lives; connected to jobs, skills, and learning; part of strong communities. And, underpinning all of this, the council wants to target support to make things fairer.

Cllr Tracey Dixon, Leader of South Tyneside Council said: “We want everyone in South Tyneside to have a good life and equal access to opportunities. We have listened to our communities and reviewed the most up-to-date evidence.

“For each of the five ‘Ambitions’ we have identified some clear priorities and detailed action plans to guide delivery over the next three years.

“For example, following the feedback from traders and the success of events in South Shields town centre, we will bring forward a Market Place Development Plan. To help realise our ambition of healthy and well people, we will expand the scope of the ‘Healthy Lives’ programme to include preventative exercise classes for those at risk of stroke or diabetes.

“Furthermore, we will report back quarterly to show how we are progressing on our promises so that we can be held to account.

“This is more than just a vision; it is a clear plan of how we are going to make the most difference to the lives of our residents. We promise to keep the conversation with local people going as we move forward in the development of our plans.”

Along with the emerging Local Plan, Health and Wellbeing Strategy, Adult Social Care Strategy and other strategic documents, the refreshed South Tyneside 20-year Vision forms a key part of the framework for the development of the borough.

Jonathan Tew, Chief Executive at South Tyneside Council said: “Following our January 2022 Peer Review, which served as an important stock-take moment, we’ve reviewed our latest data and feedback, to ensure this plan is absolutely driven by evidence – gathered through our residents and business surveys, community insights group, workshops and as part of Our South Tyneside Conversation.

“We have some real strengths in South Tyneside and whilst we aspire to build on these, we know that many of our residents continue to face significant challenges that affect their health, happiness, and quality of life.

“The events of the last few years have magnified these challenges for many and have also exposed and widened the inequality gap between our most and least affluent communities – this vision will directly address that.

“We want our communities to know that this is a place with a plan that will provide opportunities for its people to grow and be successful.”

The Council will focus its resources over the medium term to contribute to the delivery of the 20 Year Vision and its Ambitions.

The council has undergone a significant period of change over the last year, changing how it works to deliver on the borough’s ambitions. Its ‘Values’ set out the things that are most important in terms of how it works and acts. Council officers and members are Professional, Respectful, Open and honest, Understanding and engaging, and Deliver what they say they will. These PROUD values are embedded into the heart of the workplace’s culture to guide what they do.

South Tyneside Council’s Cabinet will be asked to endorse the 20-year vision at its meeting on Wednesday 2 November before going to Borough Council at its meeting on Thursday 24 November.

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